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The Complete Blockchain Professional Course

The Complete Blockchain Professional Course



Learn in-depth about the Fundamentals of Blockchain, Blockchain Architecture and various Blockchain Use Cases. Build a blockchain and cryptocurrency. Discover the engineering ideas behind technologies like Bitcoin and Ethereum!

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Made in English
Last updated at Thu Oct 2022
Total lectures 0
Total quizzes 0
Total duration Hours
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Short description Learn in-depth about the Fundamentals of Blockchain, Blockchain Architecture and various Blockchain Use Cases. Build a blockchain and cryptocurrency. Discover the engineering ideas behind technologies like Bitcoin and Ethereum!
  • You will have a strong understanding about what Blockchain is
  • Know the step wise process which is required for designing a Blockchain solution
  • Understand the Blockchain Architecture
  • Get the exposure on how you can employ Blockchain in your current legacy systems
  • Able to understand how Blockchain is being used in various sectors of the industries
  • Learn about various types of Consensus Mechanisms
  • Learn about where we can utilize Blockchain with the help of the potential Use Cases
  • Understand Blockchain smart contracts
  • Discuss the implementation of Blockchain and cryptocurrencies.
  • Build their own blockchain and cryptocurrency.
  • Build an API with NodeJS and Express.
  • Create a NodeJS application with real-time websocket connections.
  • Build a complete blockchain-powered cryptocurrency from scratch.
  • Create unique blockchain-centric solutions to real work problems and business applications.
  • Understand and fluently converse on the core software engineering concepts behind blockchain and cryptocurrencies.
  • Build server-to-server systems with real-time networking capabilities.
  • Build frontend web applications, particularly with React JS.
  • Employ software best practices and coding conventions to write clean, scalable code.
  • Build server-to-server systems with real-time networking capabilities.
  • Deploy full-stack projects for wide use by the public.
  • Familiarity with using a code editor and the command line.
  • Some programming experience will definitely help. If you've never coded before, then this course will probably move too quickly.
  • Knowledge in at least one programming language.